Ever wonder about the deepest secrets of the Earth. This feeling of curiosity must be in every individual who’s a watcher of infotainment channels. Well, how curious are you about those secrets? Your actions must speak to the answer. And if your action is to unlock the deep secrets of this Earth, you must even take safety measures for your mission. Caves are one of the only sources and undiscovered places where we can reach the earth’s hidden secrets. According to resources, humans have only discovered 10% of all the caves. In 2018, a group of 12 boys along with their football coach were found alive in a cave after 9 whole days. This proves how inaccessible caves really are in this practical world.
Well, let’s consider you grab every single thing required and set about the act of spelunking, then you must read our article carefully. Caves are not as friendly places as they are thought of. One must have plenty of knowledge in the field of cave exploration for the sake of his and his team’s safety. And that’s why we are here to redirect you from the unfortunate happenings of your cave exploration.

The First Step is Assessment
Keeping calm in a critical situation is the most idealistic lie we could ever tell to us, yet the most effective trick in saving lives. Thus, before panicking and shouting “help”, take deep breaths and make yourself calm, because every controlled mind is more efficient than an unstable one. You should make yourself and your team understand that a cave is not a labyrinth, it’s just a place with fewer directions. Don’t wander wherever you see a passage. Rest, relax, move and search. Help your team with their traumatic issues because all together you can feel as strong as a rock. You must have hope inside you because where there is hope, there is life.
Manage your resources
All resources that you have must be batteries, food, water and light. Once you reach a resting place, you should conserve all your resources practically. Turn off your lights, stay together, share food and drink less. Prefer small sips and guide your team in using the right amount for consuming the resources. The less you consume, the more you conserve and the more are your chances to be saved.
Try to use the flowing water resources inside the cave itself. Not all cave waters are safe to drink but in case of prior emergencies, they can really save you from dehydration. Manage all your food resources by sharing with each other and not expend them in terms of your hunger. Try saving your torch batteries when you rest in a place for hours and do not forget to stay together.

Mark your Location
If you’re really amazing at solving mazes, you must have known the trick of marking the locations. And if you are not, then we are here for you. Marking your location can be a huge benefit to you and can save you from hovering over the same location. Take a few identical stones or paper or any useless stuff and place them linearly or in a structure, so that if you see the pattern from a distance, you’ll find that this is the same path. You can also use your own footprint to leave a trail of markings behind you. This method can really save you from wasting your time, resources, and energy.
Start moving – find hints to the way out
Moving is the most essential part of this tragedy, as this is the step taken by yourself to save yourself. And it should be applied with efficiency as it takes energy and resources to move. So move very slowly with ease, so that you can identify and avoid the obstacles more often. Caves consist of pits, ditches and stones. That’s what you can avoid and be safe if you move carefully. Do not use your headlight all over the movement.
Switch it off at moments, so that you can find a trail of light if possible. This can enhance your chances of getting to the exit of the cave. Try to shout every 2 minutes of your movement. One of the best ways to get outside is to follow where bats are sleeping. Once the night arrives, the bats will fly outside, exposing you to the right way to exit the cave.